
Collective agreement

A Collective Agreement is a legally binding document that ensures fairness and uniformity in treating workers in a unionized group. It outlines expectations, rights, pay, benefits, working conditions, and dispute resolution. The agreement favors workers; their union negotiates with the employer for fair treatment. It guarantees a harmonious work environment where everyone is respected and their needs are met. It prevents workplace mistreatment, exploitation, unequal treatment, and lost benefits.

The K-12 President’s Council bargains for a Provincial Framework Agreement that covers wage increases, benefit improvements, and the amount of money provided to each District for specific spending by the Local. From there, the local bargains with the Employer to come to agreement on the issues at hand, and create the new Collective Agreement.

Constitution and By-Laws

As a chartered organization, how we operate is laid out in our Constitution and Bylaws Document, which is voted on and approved by our membership. It is based on the CUPE National Constitution which can  be viewed here.



Are you a Regular Status Permanent Employee? Then you are covered under the benefits plan provided through the Public Education Benefits Trust and the district.  This includes not only your Extended Health and Dental coverage, but also the Joint Early Intervention Service, the Long Term Disability plan, and Basic Life Insurance. The Public Education Benefits Trust Website is a fantastic resource for those programs. If you select School District 38 you will be taken to district specific information.


Are you starting to look forward and plan for your retirement?  Create an account on the Municipal Pension Plan Website.  From there you can explore all of the options available to you. They have information for workers at all stages of their career to help you maximize your retirement benefits.